Black Tourmaline Gallet


Black Tourmaline Gallet


Black stones, in general, are used for dispelling negativity. They aid in psychic protection- guarding you against negative emotions and toxic energy.

Element: Earth / Chakra: Root (1st)

Approximately: 1 1/2” - 1 3/4” x 1- 1 1/2”

Origin: Madagascar

*Comes in a complimentary velvet pouch

Prices: $13.95

How to Clean: When working daily with stones- clean them nightly. You can dip them into salt water (the ocean is always lovely), or sea salt crystal bed, lie them on a plate of Selenite, bury them in the earth, sit them out in full moonlight, Reiki, and or smudge with energetically clearing herbs like Sage, Mugwort, Cedar, Palo Santo, Doug fir, etc.,.

After cleaning it, you can charge w/ Sunlight, Full Moonlight, or Reiki or sit next to Selenite.

*This stone has been sourced from Madagascar.

*For liability purposes- these statements have not been evaluated nor proven by traditional scientific standards.

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