Restoring the Sacred Hoop Potion


Restoring the Sacred Hoop Potion

from $16.00

Healing support for sexual & domestic trauma survivors
“Life experiences made me the warrior I am. I am grateful for my resilience that provided me the power to heal.”

Too many of us suffer from experiences that feel like it has robbed us of our power. The plant and stone spirits in this formula want to aid you in your recovery to whole self.

Restoring the Sacred Hoop is designed for trauma. Specifically sexual and domestic trauma but this tea can be helpful for anytime you feel that there is a break in your life force from either ancestral or any other form of PTSD.

>>>Our elixir potions are designed to be energetic drop dosage formulas. Only 1-3 drops are needed!<<<

Organic & Ethically Wildcrafted Herbal Ingredients:
Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), Violet (Viola tricolor), Burdock (Articum lappa), Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), Rose (Rosa spp.), Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)

Wildcrafted Flower Essences & Gem Essence:
Albizzia, Arnica, Comfrey, Cottonwood, Dandelion, Dogwood, Ghost pipe, Wild Strawberry, Orange Calcite, and Rose Quartz

*20% of proceeds of this tea go to various indigenous domestic violence nonprofits.

Also made with:
Organic Sugar Cane alcohol, brandy, filtered water, and ethically harvested linden/ pumpkin flower foraged honey

Please note that the dropper can sometimes clog, especially when it hasn’t been shaken often enough, and the honey settles to the bottom. It is not ideal, but honey is viscous and bonds with any plant sentiment and or tannins in the extract. It’s not spoiled. Just pop the dropper out and soak it in some vinegar or bleach for an hour or two, or you can unclog it with a sterile safety pin

.5oz- $16.00
1oz- $30.00

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. We make no claims. All mentioned uses are for informational purposes and should be considered for entertainment purposes only.

2oz size is discontinued.

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